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Münster / Münsterland

€ 38.00

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Architectural Guide
Buildings and Projects since 2006

Anke Tiggemann
Compiled by BDA Münster – Münsterland

With its over-1,200 year history, more than 300,000 residents and an attractive old city, Münster is a modern industrial centre and a university city as well as the regional hub of the Münsterland area, bearing great influence on the region and beyond. In its dialogue among citizens, politicians and the administration, Münster has never lost its characterisation as a truly European city: The historical centre is still legible, streets and squares shape the public spaces and the various functions of the city centre are tightly intertwined.

On the basis of 170 buildings and projects, this volume recounts the latest architectural history in Münster and Münsterland since 2006. Many of the objects presented in this architectural guide are competition prizewinners, others have been distinguished with architectural awards and not just a few of them are well-known beyond the region. They all bear witness to a lively and fruitful discourse between architects and developers, above and beyond regional architecture and the aspirations of building culture.

134 x 245 mm
288 pages
330 pictures
English edition

ISBN 978-3-86922-605-7

German edition/deutsche Ausgabe