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Publisher's Choice

64 books

Mass Housing in Ukraine (Hardcover)
Mass Housing in Ukraine (Hardcover)
€ 48.00
€ 38.00
2025 Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch
2025 Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch
€ 38.00
Japan (3rd edition)
Japan (3rd edition)
€ 48.00
FREE – DOM magazine No. 16 (Fall 2024)
FREE – DOM magazine No. 16 (Fall 2024)
€ 0.00
KOSTENLOS – DOM magazine No. 18 (Weihnachten 2024)
KOSTENLOS – DOM magazine No. 18 (Weihnachten 2024)
€ 0.00
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The Art of Books and Buildings

Our extensive publishing programme combines both of our passions: architecture and designing high-quality books. Experienced editors, creative graphic designers, and architects work at the interface of theory and practice under one roof in the Friedrichswerder area in Berlin. We publish up to 40 new titles each year and aim to provide architects, instructors, and students with a valuable foundation for their daily work and to make a critical contribution to the contemporary debate on architecture. In addition to the series of manuals, architectural guides, and basics, our thematic focuses include the architectural history of the former Soviet Union as well as architecture in Africa and the Muslim world. Our books are published primarily in English and German, but increasingly also in Russian, French, Italian, and Spanish. Our global distribution network means our titles can be purchased in architecture bookshops around the world, from New York to Paris through to Tokyo.

"Städtebau im Nationalsozialismus": Bis 30. April zum reduzierten Preis

Anfang Mai erscheint bei DOM publishers das Buch Städtebau im Nationalsozialismus, ein mehr als 600 Seiten starker Überblick zum Thema. Bis Ende April bieten wir das Buch und auch die englischsprachige Ausgabe Urban Planning in Nazi Germany zum reduzierten Subskriptionspreis von nur 98 Euro an.


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